History Films & Television

I love to watch any history films something like Elizabeth The Golden Age, Darkest Hour etc.  Have you heard about Mary, Queen of Scots film will be coming out in December this year?  I can’t wait to watch it as I need to learn more about Mary, Queen of Scots.  Is it true Mary, Queen of Scots actually met Queen Elizabeth I?  (I thought they haven’t met in a real life.)  Darkest Hour, I haven’t yet watch it as I believe Darkest Hour is the best film than any old films and I was so happy that Gary Oldman (played as Winston Churchill) won a few awards for Best Actor (Academy Award, Golden Globe Award and BAFTA Award). I hope Mary, Queen of Scots will get a nomination for the best film, actor or make up and hair (Fingers Crossed!)

Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I


Darkest Hour


Gary Oldman played as Winston Churchill



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