Winston Churchill Statues​

My favourite place to visit the bench statue of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President Franklin D Roosevelt at Mayfair, London. You can able to sit down between them and take a photo!  I love it!

Bench Statue of Churchill and Roosevelt
In real life!                                                                                                                                                   Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Spencer Churchill
This is absolutely my favourite as you can able to sit down between them
“Allies”                                                                                                                                                         Churchill and Roosevelt
so Proud!
Tim is a fan of Winston Churchill as well
Nice to hug Churchill 🙂


Parliament Square

April 2017
Back of Churchill statue and The Shard May 2018
Revisited in May 2018

The Chartwell, Westerham, Kent 

Nemon Statue can be seen at The Chartwell, National Trust in Westerham, Kent
The rains doesn’t spolit my day at The Chartwell once belongs to Winston Churchill & family. Nemon Statue of Winston and Clementine Churchill

Churchill War Rooms

A model of Churchill’s hand
A statue of Winston Churchill


See the link for detail if you are interested in Churchill War Rooms or The Chartwell, National Trust in Westerham

Darkest Hour – Victory Sign

Last night, I was watching the Darkest Hour DVD.  It was interesting to watch what was going on with Winston Churchill’s activity day and night at War Rooms.


Darkest Hour DVD



My favourite part of this film when Winston Churchill used Victory as a wrong sign while the press photographer took a photo of him.  Thanks to Miss Layton who corrected him in the next day.  “UP YOUR BUM” he was roared with laughing.


Gary Oldman played Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour.  He used a wrong sign of Victory which made me a laugh.


Lily James played Miss Elizabeth Layton who worked as a secretary for Winston Churchill.  She was the one who corrected him to use the right Victory sign.
Lily James, Actress played Miss Layton in Darkest Hour (left)  and the real Miss Elizabeth Layon (right)


I love this bit part of the film…”UP YOUR BUM” (another word for UP YOURS).

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Finally, Winston Churchill used the correct Victory sign.  (See actual photo of Winston Churchill before and after)


Backwards V WSCgettyimages-2667802-e1514243859748


I’m so proud that I have seen his home in Westerham, Kent. Worth a visit and believe me you will like it. Also, I went to the Churchill Wars Room in London, It was amazing and worth a visit!


I will post about The Chartwell, National Trust with photos of my trip last year.  If you are interested to visit his home in Westerham, Kent or Churchill War Rooms for information.  (see the link below)


Museum of London * 18th July 2018

It was the last minute’s plan that I want to get out of the house and go up in London to walkabout.  While I was on the train and I was thinking about where shall I go? Tower Bridge or London Bridge?  Ahhh…Let’s go to the Museum of London!

Museum of London

I have been to the Museum of London a few times and I love it and still do! There were so many little or big things to see especially Roman’s and an interesting story about The Great Fire 1666.   Of course, a portrait of Henry VIII by Hans Holbein, I was so happy to see it and took a few photos of Henry VIII on Snapchat, so funny!

A beautiful little garden outside at Museum of London

I believe the Museum of London is the best place to educate the children to learn about Timeline from Dinosaurs to the present day. (not suitable for little children).

So many things to see…Worth to visit and free admission. 

After the Museum of London, I went for a little walk around at St. Paul’s Cathedral and Christchurch Greyfriars Garden.   It was lovely to see a little garden in London, not far from St. Paul’s underground.   Christchurch Greyfriars Garden is absolutely beautiful and I can see a few butterflies flying around and some wildflowers. I absolutely love an old ruin church.  (A rarely to see a beautiful garden in London).

St. Paul’s Cathedral 

Christchurch Greyfriars Garden

Please see the website for information

Snapchat photo of Henry VIII

History Films & Television

I love to watch any history films something like Elizabeth The Golden Age, Darkest Hour etc.  Have you heard about Mary, Queen of Scots film will be coming out in December this year?  I can’t wait to watch it as I need to learn more about Mary, Queen of Scots.  Is it true Mary, Queen of Scots actually met Queen Elizabeth I?  (I thought they haven’t met in a real life.)  Darkest Hour, I haven’t yet watch it as I believe Darkest Hour is the best film than any old films and I was so happy that Gary Oldman (played as Winston Churchill) won a few awards for Best Actor (Academy Award, Golden Globe Award and BAFTA Award). I hope Mary, Queen of Scots will get a nomination for the best film, actor or make up and hair (Fingers Crossed!)

Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I


Darkest Hour


Gary Oldman played as Winston Churchill



​​Edinburgh, Scotland * 28th June to 2nd July​ 2018

Walking The Royal Mile

A long weekend break in Edinburgh, Scotland was interesting and enjoy visiting Edinburgh Castle, Arthur’s Seat, The Greyfriars Bobby, Royal Mile and go on.   

Edinburgh Castle

Beautiful Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle


Ben Matthews is BSL interpreter and he is not Tour Guided. He was showing us around at the short time.
This is amazing…feeling wow…I was in Mary, Queen of Scots room where she was given a birth of her baby son James (future King James 1 of England and VI of Scotland)
Me and my holiday buddy 🙂
This is my favourite bit of story about Black Dinner


Mary, Queen of Scots. Don’t you think she looks like so much her cousin Elizabeth I

Arthur’s Seat 

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The Greyfriars Bobby 

The Museum of Edinburgh

Calton Hill

The Scottish Parliament

My friend Sarah and I were outside of the Scottish Parliament
The Scottish Parliament
Inside the Scottish Parliament
Inside the Scottish Parliament
Serious meeting…lol
I remember this…so funny…we can’t be bothered to walk up the stairs as we were so tired after two or three hours walking up at Arthur’s seat so we went in the elevator

Circus Lane

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Random Photos

Leeds Castle * 9th June 2018

A day out at Leeds Castle


I love organizing a day trip with my closest friends at Leeds Castle or any other places like Museum or Palace or even Castle. I organizing once or twice a year to show my friends that History is not boring as you think it is but you can have fun while learning about History.  To be honest, History is fun but interesting!

Sue Gilbert is BSL tour guided and this was her first deaf group and she is fantastic BSL tour guided.  Her signing was perfect and explanation was clearing as we can understand her story about Leeds Castle.  We all have a lovely day and went home very happy because we learn so much from a wonderful Sue.

Sue Gilbert and her manager at Leeds Castle
Sue with her first deaf group for a tour at Leeds Castle
I felt I have known her for years because she is so lovely, warm and friendly and always smiling make you feel you are welcome!
At the end of the day, we all have fantastic time!

If you are interested to have a tour at Leeds Castle with deaf friends or family.  Please contact Leeds Castle and ask for Sue Gilbert or Anna Hudson (Sue’s manager) for detail about BSL tour guided group booking with Sue Gilbert!  You won’t be disappointed!




Harry, My little friend

Harry, My little friend 

I would like to introduce you to my little friend called Harry. He is always going with me everywhere I go to visit Museum or Castle.  You can able to see him on here.


I’m famous…!

Harry and his book!


I’m studing on Tudor London…!

Hello this is EWAN, my new friend from Scotland
Mary, Queen of Scots, my great niece

Amanda’s History Blog

Welcome to Amanda’s History Blog Page!

I would like to share my History Blog with you about my trips to Various historic points of interest in the UK including books and History programmes.

Personally, my favourite part of History is The Tudors and Richard III.





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